ATLA (Association of Teachers of Lipreading to Adults)
Our aim is to create a world where lipreading classes are available to anyone who needs them.
Hearing loss is one of the most isolating disabilities.
As Jack Ashley famously said, “Deafness separates humans from humankind.”
Who are lipreading classes for?
Classes are for anyone who struggles to hear. They are often – and more accurately – called ‘Lipreading and Managing Hearing Loss’ classes.
What your class will cover
In class you will meet others who have similar problems. You will:
But above all, you will improve the lipreading skills you already have – even if you are not aware of them. This will boost your confidence and allow you to take charge of your own hearing loss. To find a class near you or an online class visit the Classes page. You will also find more information in About Lipreading.
We are desperately short of
trained lipreading teachers
Attending lipreading classes has shown me I’m not alone, other people are struggling with everyday activities the same as me
Lipreading classes give me the confidence to get on with life.
It is a very enjoyable, relaxing way to learn with friendly people who have experienced similar
difficulties as you have yourself
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